4 Foods That Seem Healthy But Aren't

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Of the several things to cherish in the world, people value their health more. Nobody likes being sick or prone to sickness, so everyone tries to stay away from anything that could hamper their health. People try to eat right, exercise and make healthy choices but some still fall to sickness. The problem is actually not in the effort, there could be unhealthy things that are being mistaken for healthy.

Here are five of them that you should watch out for.

1- Yogurt

Yogurt has been a favorite drink for some, and as a part of daily diet for some others simply because they believe it is fat free. Of course, some yogurt may be fat free, but who says staying away from fat completely is a healthy choice?

The human brain is made up of 60% fat, so why don't you want to take healthy fat like avocado oil, Omega 3 or olive oil? These fats help you to reduce inflammation in your body as well as they improve the function of your brain.

On the other hand, staying away from fat completely can be dangerous. Usually, when you stick to fat free foods, you’re replacing the fat with carbohydrate and sugar which could raise your blood sugar levels and it will cause you to get hungry.

However, some yogurt contains fat. Not the healthy polyunsaturated or monounsaturated, but the saturated fat which is harmful to your health.

So when next you want to take yogurt, try to read the label and verify if it is more or less than 3 grams of saturated fat per serving.

2- Diet drinks

Diet drinks like diet coke are also called zero calorie drinks. Water is also a zero calorie drink, but this is not about water, it is about soda and other drinks. 

These drinks are commonly sold to people under the guise that they are zero sugar drinks and good for diet and weight loss programs. But have you noticed how sweet they really are? They taste more or less like the regular sugar soda drinks. This is because instead of sugar, they're sweetened with artificial sweeteners which are dangerous for your health. 

When you take diet drinks, you would trick your brain to believe that you are taking a glucose drink, but because it is not really glucose, you will eventually crave more of sugary drinks.

If you would rather take diet drinks, you can make them yourself at home. Can make some iced tea with some stevia, monk fruit, xylitol, and erythritol which can respect your diet plan especially if you are following a weight loss program. These ingredients will not affect you the way artificial sweeteners will.

3- Salad Dressings

Product brands can be tricky, and their packaging is the trick.  Brands trick buyers by putting the image or badly inscribing a healthy item among its ingredients on the front part of the package when the product must have been rendered unhealthy by other items in its ingredients.  Take salad dressings for example, you may buy a product just because you see the picture of an olive printed on its jar, but if you check the ingredients, you may find items like sugar and preservatives. These can render the olives unhealthy for consumption.

Whether you are following a diet plan to lose weight or simply trying to eat healthy, whenever you are at the stores to get your salad dressings, you should opt for products without sugar, preservatives or canola oil. Better still, you can make your own salad dressing with olive oil, lemon juice, a pinch of salt, and some garlic.

4- Smoothies

Normally, smoothies are healthy drinks because it is a blend of fruits into a liquid form. Fruits are good for the body, but the story is different when you are buying your smoothie from a smoothie stand. Most of the commercial smoothies are sweetened with a high amount of sugar.  This can be through the base for the smoothie or fruit syrups being used instead of real fruits. If you are a smoothie lover and you value your health, you should make your smoothies yourself. Use a variety of fruits you have or that you love with water or unsweetened plant based milk as your base.